Hey, everyone, a new trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp is out. We see the story of the film, the characters returning, new characters, and also the villain unmasked along with some more spectacular scenes of things shrinking and growing. There will be nothing going on with Infinity War here, so no problem if you haven’t seen the film. But let’s break down the trailer. 

Scott Lang (Paul Rudd) is explaining to his daughter Cassie (Abby Ryder Fortson) why he had to go out and superhero. What is going on here is that Scott is meant to be on house arrest from his involvement in the Avengers Civil War. However, there seems like a situation went down where he had to suit up as Ant-Man. By suiting up, Scott jeopardizes his house arrest which could send him back to prison, thus he is apologizing to his daughter. 

While Scott was explaining that we see what is supposedly what Scott had to suit up for. Scott grew as Giant-Man (not full size) to stop this truck. The truck is most likely part of some arms deal which went down and is now being stopped. Joining Giant-Man is the Wasp (Evangeline Lilly), who gets into the truck Deadpool style. 

Here we have Luis (Michael Pena) back, along with him returning we have Kurt (David Dastmalchain), and Dave (T.I). Luis is the audience diving point in the trailer to reveal what happens in the film. So we learn that Hank Pam opens up the Quantum Realm (which we will get into next), however in doing so Ghost (Hannah John-Kamen), a new villain comes out. I do like Luis’ comment at the end there “We were the same guys who robbed you.”

Here is a shot into the Quantum Realm. The reason why Hank Pym opens the Quantum Realm is to save his wife, Janet Van Dyne, the original Wasp, being played by Michelle Piefer, who we do not see in the trailer. The Quantum Realm seems to be an interesting place which we will explore in this film. I don’t know how Janet will be exactly rescued, however, this scene looks like someone saves her on this ship that has been built. 

Our next shot is of our main villain, Ghost. The character in this film looks like she has similar powers to that of Ant-Man, and she also seems like she can phase, like a Ghost. In the trailer we see the villain unmasked. The character we know is from the Quantum Realm so the question is “how did she get there?” That is why I think that it is possible that the Ghost is someone Hank sent into the quantum Realm to search for Janet. However, Hank forgot about her and she was left in the Quantum Realm where she developed powers. 

A cool shot of the Ant that was enlarged in the first film playing the drums in this film. I didn’t think about this ant, because I forgot he existed. But it seems like this whole time the Ant has been Cassie’s pet. 

“You go low, I go high.” I do love this joke. Scott keeps forgetting to that Janet has wings, all the upgrades he didn’t get. In this scene her it seems like Wasp and Ant-Man are fighting some guards of some sort, most likely the second act. But I do like the dynamic between Scott and Janet in this scene here. 

This is the Pym tech building which we saw Hank Pym shrink in the last trailer. In this trailer we see it grow large to regular size, scaring off a crowd of bystanders. If you look at the background, this is not where the building goes, so someone accidentally or purposely enlarges it. This area here looks like it is where the third act takes place.

In the car we see Luis holding on to the building while it is still small. He is in the van with Janet and Scott and most likely others. I do like Luis’ reaction to shrinking, going under the car, then going back to regular size. The team here are on the run, most likely from both the FBI (For Scott’s house arrest) and Ghost. 

The trailer ends with an undercover Scott, Janet and Hank meeting  Bill Foster, AKA Goliath (Laurence Fishburne). Bill Foster tells Scott that he worked on the Goliath project with Hank where he grew to 21 feet. Scott compares with Foster as he tells him he can grow to 65 feet. If you do not know Bill Foster was the Goliath character from the comics who was super big like Ginat-Man. The character in the film is older, so it is possible that the Goliath mantle is passed to someone else. I do hope we see Goliath in giant mode sometime in the film. With Foster working with Hank, this shows that Hank worked with others on Pym particle experiments, like possible Ghost in the Quantum Realm. 

To explain the timeline a bit, this film takes place like a month or two after Civil War, and before Inf mitt War. Anything that happened in Infinity War won’t affect this. That’s like all other Marvel Projects coming out. 

In conclusion, this trailer for Ant-Man and the Wasp is an exciting trailer as it opens up a whole lot of speculation that the story of the film has been revealed. The trailer explains Ghost and her villainous origins. There are also some great scenes of objects expanding and shrinking. I would like to hear your thoughts on the trailer down in the comments below. You can click on the left for more Ant-Man and the Wasp, or click on the right for all the Infinity War stuff. As always thanks for reading, take care.

