Season 3 Episode 16:
Hey everyone, we are back with a brand new episode of Supergirl, directed by Alexandra La Roche. In this episode, we find our third and final world killer, Pestilence, who wrecks havoc, while the Legion old Heroes are determined to kill her. Spoilers ahead for the episode, let’s recap.
With Pestilence out, the DEO tracks down the movements of the world killer. Irma wants to kill Pestilence as in the future, her family was killed by her decedent. Seeing a suspect get killed, Kara and the others cannot find any leads on Pestilence. Back at base, Winn, and Alex get sick with the symptoms of Pestilence. Jimmy visits Winn while a human formed Brainiac 5 finds the World Killer. Kara, Mon, and Irma suit up and go to stop Pestilence, where they find out that she and her host are both evil. Purity shows up and saves Pestilence, but after Imra gets some blood from Pestilence. Back at the DEO, Brainiac 5 makes a Pestilence cure, while everyone recovers. The DEO gets a location on Pestilence who is heading towards Lena. Kara, Mon, J’onn, and Irma go to save Lena, however, Pestilence and Purity take Sam away, activating Reign.
Overall, this episode was an exciting episode as we see the formation of the World Killer trinity. The character of Pestilence is a great addition to the World Killer line, as the episode did a great job in not only antagonizing the World Killer side, however the human side, so a neat dilemma was created for Kara where even if she stopped the Word Killer, there would still be an antagonist on the loose. So the conflict between Kara and Irma was interesting. However the acting from Amy Jackson as Irma was a little weak, and sort of didn’t sell me on Imra’s side of the conflict.
One of the greatest scenes in the episode was between Winn and Jimmy. When Winn was telling Jimmy about how little he has lived in his perspective, it hit me. Looking back at the way that the character’s relationships have developed in the series, and seeing Jimmy potentially saying goodbye to his friend was a little sad. I knew Winn wasn’t going to die, but this episode proved that they could pull off a death scene at the end of the season.
The cast of the episode was great. Starring in the episode we had Melissa Benoist (Kara Danvers/ Supergirl), Chris Wood (Mon-El), Amy Jackson (Imra/ Saturn Girl), David Harewood (J'onn J'onzz/ Martian Manhunter), Jesse Rath (Brainiac 5), Chyler Leigh (Alex Danvers), Jeremy Jordan (Winn Schott), Mechad Brooks (Jimmy Olsen), Katie McGrath (Lena Luthor), Angela Zhou (Pestilence), Krys Marshall (Purity), and Odette Annable (Samantha Arias/Reign).
In conclusion, this episode was an exciting episode in the way it set up Pestilence, and how she was tied with the other World Killers. The scene with Jimmy and Winn was amazing, along with the way that Melissa Benoit’s played, Kara. I will give this episode a 7.5 out of 10. I would like to hear your thoughts on this episode down in the comments below. You can click on the left for DCTV, or on the right for Infinity War. As always thanks for reading, take care.
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