In the past four years, Warner Bros has announced 20 plus DC Comics films, ranging from Batgirl to Lobo. Today it has been announced that one of those films that was announced a while ago, has found a director. The "New Gods" film is to be directed by Ava DuVernay, who directed the latest Wrinkle in Time film. So let's go into what this film might look like and if this is a good idea.

To start off a New Gods film feels like a relatively outlandish idea. The same was said with Marvel when they announced Guardians of the Galaxy. So there is no steady proof that this film would be a failure. Let's get into comic history. The New Gods are characters that Jack Kirby created that are supposed to be the new replacements of the ancient gods like Hercules, Poseidon, and Zeus. The New Gods live on the planet of Apokolips. There are plenty of New Gods in the DC Comics, with unique designs. In the recent DC films, we have seen a teaser for New Gods such as Darkseid, who is a new god. However, characters such as Steppenwolf and Darkseid are evil new gods.

I feel like one of the problems with this film would be the heavy use of CG. In creating a new setting on drastically different planets, it would be a challenge to face. There would also be the problem with characters such as Darkseid being pure CG. What I am trying to say is that this film would have a big budget, which is worrying not knowing the success of these characters.

In this New Gods film, I would expect to see ultimately a love story. That would be between Big Barda and Mister Miracle. In the film, I would see the film following Barda freeing Darkseid's adopted son, Mister Miracle from the wrath of Darkseid. Mister Miracle seems like he is the most likely candidate to be the protagonist of the film, being one of the most known good New Gods, and he would have a connection with the protagonist of the film which I would assume to be Darkseid. In the film, I would also like to see elements of a civil war on Apokolips where new Gods such as the High Father fighting Darkseid, because he sort of adopted his son. There could be elements of other New Gods trying to stop Darkseid from invading the rest of the universe.

DuVernay recently directed A Wrinkle in Time which has not been getting too many good reviews. The situation of this film is that the studio almost failed DuVernay in a way. She was a director who hasn't handled projects of a large scope before, and this is part of the reason as to why A Wrinkle in Time did not receive the scores it wanted. DuVernay most likely learned from this experience and I am guessing that she knows how to handle high budget films a little better. So Ava DuVernay is by no means a bad choice for directing this film, it will be interesting to see what she can do with this film.

In conclusion, a New Gods film does peak my interest. I am excited to see where Warner Bros takes the DC Comic film especially with creating new unique films such as New Gods. To be honest I would say that a film like this could come out in 2024. Just because it is something that Warner Bros would pend on and the filmmaking of this film would be something difficult to figure out. I would like to hear your thoughts on the New Gods film down in the comments below. You can click on the left for more DC, and click on the right for Tomb Raider. As always thanks for reading, take care.

