The English dubbed version of the Batman ninja trailer had dropped and it shows off the story of the film, as well as the awesome character designs of the beloved Batman heroes and villains. So this film is made by Warner Bros Japan, and they wanted to make a Batman story, so instead of creating an out of place Batman in feudal Japan film, they added a story to it so it fits into Batman continuity. But let's go ahead and get into the breakdown.

Here it seems like, after a fight with the Joker in the modern day, Gorilla Grood gets involved with his time machine device and transports most of Gotham's heroes and villains into feudal Japan, including Bruce Wayne himself. This is the first shot of Batman in feudal Japan, as told by the startled expression he has, and him figuring out where he is with the scroll and the buildings around him. I like the way that Batman lands in Japan, it looks like he was grabbing onto something, but it disappeared.

Here appears to be the man cast of the film, well the heroes side that is. From left to right we have Nightwing, Alfred, Batman, Catwoman, and Tim Drake. The costume design of Nightwing looks to coolest out of the ground in this shot. I look like an authentic Japanese ninja costume, more than the other suits. That might be to do the darker coloring. I do like the idea that Alfred remains in a suit even when they are in a different time period. Cat Woman has some nice details on her suit, she is showing a little more skin in her than usual. Tim Drake looks awesome in here. The colors of the Robin suit were captured wonderfully in here. But Bruce has none of his toys, so he has to rely on his mind, his soul, and his friends to fight the Joker.

With heroes along come villains. Not only does the Joker have his own Joker Samurai army, there are classic Gotham villains. Above is a series of shots of the villains in the film in their feudal Japan attire. We, of course, have Harley Quinn in here, who looks great, there is a vintage Jester theme going on with her suit. There was a shot of Bane as a sumo wrestler which is a creative idea. Deathstroke looks awesome with the eye patch and the scarf. I am sure that we will carry most of the same weapons he usually carries. Poison Ivy is looking awesome in the shot with her sword. The Penguin is in the film. Not much is seen of him though. And then we see a glimpse of Two-Face with his coin, however, we do not see his face(s).

This is most likely the final duel when Joker creates his crazy plan conquering Japan and changing history. Batman and the Joker have a classic sword duel. The look of their samurai suits looks absolutely awesome. Joker has the nice purple theme going on which makes his armor look more like a fancier, buffed up suit. I do like how on the sword handle, Joker has the smile. That is a neat little detail. The Batman suit looks so fantastic. There is the Batman flair to the blacked out armor, and the gold printing on all the symbols, adds so much to the suit, along with the studs on the waist cape. Batman appears to be using a katana, it doesn't look too special, but still, cool seeing Batman wielding a katana.

The final shot I want to break down is this big explosion scene. We see most of the full ground of heroes. Alfred is absent here, but from left to right we have Damien Wayne, Cat Woman, Red Hood, Batman, Gorilla Grodd, Nightwing, and Tim Drake. So we now have all four Robin's in the film. Jason Todd as the Red Hood is a great way to distinguish between the different Robins. Out of all the Robin's of course, Damien Wayne would be the most suited to deal with this, with his League of Assassins training and all from his mother. Gorilla Grodd is the reason why everyone is in feudal Japan, so it seems like the Bat-family is going to seek answers from Grodd to get back home, but they are getting caught in these Joker lead explosions.

In conclusion, this looks absolutely awesome. With a story that ties into continuity and an absolutely fantastic art style, this film excites me. Exploring new styles of animations with beloved characters is a bold and brave move that will be great to see. With beloved Batman characters in this film, I am excited for April 24th when this film comes out on Blu Ray and digital. I would like to hear your thoughts and opinions on the trailer down below. What character looks the most interesting to you? share below. You can click on the right for more DC Comics, click on the left for Black Panther, and subscribe if you haven't already. As always thanks for reading, take care.

