Today we got our first look at Brie Larson suited as Captain Marvel in some new set images. The images were taken on the set of the Captain Marvel film which is currently filming in Atlanta.

Looking at the suit, this is not the main Captain Marvel suit that Carol Danvers sports. This green-toned suit is most likely a Kree version of the suit, possibly the origin of the suit. In the film, Carol Danvers origin is going to be tied by with the Kree, in terms of how she gets her powers, and it makes sense that her suit is made to be in the color palate of the Kree soldiers. But aside from the color, you can see all the details on the suit, they all look really well done, and take the suit away from the spandex origins a bit. This suit looks more in line with the Ant-Man and the Wasp costumes, just from all the bells and whistles that are on the limbs of the suit.

The suit does look a little baggy, however, most of the Marvel suits look like that when filming. A clear example of that is Spiderman, the suit that Tom Holland wears on set look baggy, however, on film, it looks tight fitting.

With the film being set in the 1990's, this green suit is most likely something that Carol Danvers leaves behind in the decade as she transitions to the regular red, blue and gold suit we know from the comics. Speaking of the comics, the suit varies in detail from the comics in a good way. As I said earlier, the details of the suit make it look less of a spandex one piece from the comics. Instead of the cape that Captain Marvel has in the comics, there is a belt, which was announced at  San Diego Comic-Con 2017. Looking at Brie Larson's hair, you can see that it is strayed away from the comics, which is a great idea and it works for the character. Below is an image done by Beautiful Basket, who fabulously re-colored the Captain Marvel suit into what we will see in the film and Avengers 4.

Speaking of Avengers 4, yes, Captain Marvel is in the film, Brie Larson was on set for the film in Atlanta. With the Captain Marvel solo film taking place in the 90's, it seems as though when Captain Marvel returns for Avengers 4, she will have had 30 years experience of policing space, and we will see her in a classic colored suit as seen above. But Infinity War still has a big question mark on it for a Captain Marvel appearance, she could possibly show up in the post-credit scene.
Anyway, I would love to hear your thoughts on the Captain Marvel suit down below in the comments section. You can click on the left for when we might get a new Infinity War trailer or you can click on the right to see some more Black Panther stuff. As always thanks for reading, take care.


