New footage from Black Panther has dropped and in the trailer, we do not see too much new stuff, but there are extended clips and alternate shots from the previous trailers. So without further ado, let's break down the new tv spot.

Opening up the trailer is an establishing shot of what is most likely not Wakanda. Looking at this city above it appears that there is a great body of water in the center which does not resemble any landscape of Wakanda we have seen before. If I have to bet, this city here is the city where T'Challa and the Dora Milaje travel to where the casino is.

Next in the trailer is the scene of Klaw (Andy Serkis) telling Evertt Ross (Martin Freeman), that T'Challa is the Black Panther. This is a very interesting conversation. I believe that Ross is questioning Klaw to make Klaw doubt himself. Because if you remember in Civil War, T'Challa was open about being the Black Panther. In Civil War, he took his mask off when confronting Captain America and Bucky, so I assume Ross knows that T'Challa is the Black Panther, but Ross may not know how advanced Wakanda is in terms of the technology is houses.

"My king", this scene is to show that Shuriri (Letitia Wright) is making fun of the fact that her brother, T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman), is now king. In Black, Panther Shuirir is the one who is making all the tech for the Black Panther suits and herself. The character is rumored to be in Avengers Infinity War, and from rumors, she will be helping out some of the Avengers with some major stuff regarding the Infinity Stones.

We see a shot of Forest Whitaker's character (Zuri), who says "A war is coming". This is referring to the war between T'Challa's family and Kilmonger's family. I will touch on that in a minute. Zuri is a spiritual character in the comics, and it seems like that ability will be in the film, although it will be interesting to see how the character plays into the plot of the film.

Here we see Erik Kilmonger (Michael B. Jordan) say "I hope your ready bro." This shot is the museum robbery we see in trailers, as Kilmonger and Klaw are starting the robbery. The two may be stealing some Wakanda artifacts, and it also seems that Kilmonger will steal the mask he is looking at as we see him wearing it in the other scenes. If you are wondering why Kilmonger has an America accent, the story is that Kilmonger's family were from Wakanda, however, were exiled and sent to America, so Erik grew up in the States and is now coming back to Wakanda.

In the same car ride scene, we had seen in the other trailers, we get a new shot of Shuri in a new car she developed. This car has a glow that is similar to the glow that the new Black Panther suit has. The car looks really awesome and with the same glow, it may be able to redisperse energy like the purple glowing Black Panther suit does.

A new shot of the Panther tree. I am going with the theory that this is a spiritual place where the Black Panther can go to in his mind where he can communicate with his ancestors with them in the form of panthers. Their bodies may not be there, however, their souls are. So queue in all the Soul Stone Infinity War theories.

Here is a better look at the new Black Panther suit. The suit does not have all the silver engravings like the Civil War, it is plainer Black except for the necklace and white arm patterns. On the suit is the glow I was talking about, the purple glow is to distinguish this suit from the other ones, as this suit can absorb energy and redisperse it, which will come in handy for the end fight. I do not believe that the suit will be the one T'Challa uses in Infinity War, so who knows what happens to this suit in the film.

This appears to be near the end of the film, in the third act, where Kilmonger has not revealed himself as a villain that is why he is standing next to the Dora Milaje and some Wakandan's while this ship in the background flies away. This scene correlates to the shot of Black Panther, mask off walking proudly in the open field.

We then see an army, most likely a tribe opposing T'Challa's leadership as the new king, going to attack Black Panther, however, they seem to get intercepted by the Dora Milaje. This fight will be going on while we see Black Panther fight Kilmonger, who will be in the Golden Jaguar suit. This shot here is also something we will see in Infinity War as the Dora Milaje will fight off Thanos' forces in Wakanda as seen in the trailer.

The last shot in the trailer is the same shot we saw in the previous trailers, Black Panther jumps off from one crashing car to the next. The CG on this scene has been improved. In this scene, T'Challa dispursed some energy which caused the car to flip over and that is why there is the purple pulse on the ground.

Overall, this is such an awesome trailer. The music in the trailer is amazing and this trailer shows that a trailer can be exciting without showing off all new things. This is a great trailer which certainly gets me hyped for Black Panther as though I already was not. Comment below your thoughts on the trailer, and anything I may have missed from the trailer. As always, thanks for reading, take care.

