Season 3 Episode 11: This episode of the Flash we see Cisco go full Vibe and use his powers aginst a duel with Gypsy for possession of HR, there were three storylines in the episode, so spoilers ahead for the episode. The episode is about Gypsy, from Earth 19 coming to Earth 1 to collect HR.Gypsy breaks into the coffee shop and grabs a coin that HR gave and she vibes his location.Barry is investigating this crime and HR tells the team at Star Labs that she coming to collect him as he broke a law of inter-dimensional traveling when he came to Earth 1, HR also tells the team that if he goes back to Earth 1 he will be executed or someone can combat the law enforcer by trial to death.She comes to Star Labs and Wally tries to stop her but she manages to use some insane vibe powers to stop his super speed. Cisco then uses his vibe powers and tries to get a date with her, but she takes HR.Gypsy is stopped by Cisco and Barry and Cisco challenges her to trial by combat for p...