Season 2 Episode 4: So Supergirl on Halloween sadly didn't go on to be a full Halloween episode be we do get some really awesome stuff so let recap. The basic premise of the episode is Mon-El is tested by Winn, while Alex and maggie find an alien fight club, run by Roulette has Miss Martian fighting, Martian Manhunter goes to talk her out of it but gets captured by the fight club host and is made to fight Miss Martian.Kara,Alex, and Maggie manage to shut to club down, with Kara telling all the aliens that Roulette has captured to be lived freely and to not be feared and feel like they ar dangerous as Roulette made them. At the end of the episode we see, Kara tells Mon-El that he is in her hands.But the very end is when martian Manhunter goes to Miss Martian's apartment he apologizes to her for saying to her earlier that she lied to him as she fought in the fight club.He then walks out and then Miss Martian(In human form) turns with the red glow and turns ...