Well, I have not posted anything on here in the past year, except for this, my year in review of this year. This year had the theme of 'getting back to normal' after the lockdown phase of the pandemic. And, yes it is nice to the world healing. But for the step taken forward, I feel as though the world has taken two steps backwards. Through lockdowns I felt like humanity would launch itself into becoming a more robust, empathetic society, but this year kind of disproved that. I could go on about how we are taking no significant steps towards the climate crisis, or the ever expanding wealth gap, or any other issue that plagued us in the before times. But instead I want to point out that in 'going back to normal' we are letting the same narratives in the news of 'humans vs. humans' play out, and it is in all honesty upsetting to see. I wish that from lockdowns that we would see more empathy being extended in all areas of this world. I believe that if this were th...