DC has released the first image of Cress Willaims as Black Lighting for the new superhero show coming to the CW, which the pilot is currently being filmed. So first up, the suit looks insane, the amount of dealing with the blue circuit board like design on the arms look great, this costume resembles the comics, but also gives a modern flare which many comic book costumes don't have.The costume was designed by the same person who designed the Iron Man suit, Laura Jean Shannon.The effects on the powers look relly cool. The background of this image reminds me of the season 1 character posters for Legends of Tomorrow, does this mean that Black Lighting, Jefferson Pierce might appear first in Legends and then his show will be spun off, like how Barry Allen appeared on Arrow? But I am glad that the show has made its way to the CW with the other shows, it was originally going to be on Fox, but it seems safer for the show to appear on the CW with the support of the other shows. ...