So it is finally time to do this.I am so sorry for the long wait but here we are.If you haven't seen the Justice League trailer watch it here . So Bruce Wayne is in what seems to be at Amnesty Bay which is the city Aquaman comes to when he comes from Atlantis.Bruce said that he brings Fish for the hungry in winter and comes on the king tide.So it does kind of show Arthur's heart, that he hasn't given up on humanity like every other hero we have seen in this universe. Jason Mamoa as Arthur Curry is awesome.The guy looks so menacing when he doesn't talk at all.Hopefully, he's kind of kept that way in the Justice League film. Here are some Vikings type people that are burying a mother box.Darkside attempted to come to Earth like 5000 years ago in the DCEU but he was fought off by the Amazonians and the Atlantians.He also left 3 Motherboxes, one with the Amazonians, one with the Atlantians and here is the third.I am guessing this is the one used on Cyborg. ...