Season 6 Episode 1: The Flash is back with its sixth season, which introduces so many plot lines that we will see in the season to come, from the main villains, and the Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover this December. This episode was directed by Gregory Smith, so with that out of the way, let’s get onto the recap of the episode, so spoilers ahead. Recap The episode opens with Barry and Iris in STAR Labs at the end of last season wherein the time vault, Nora’s last recorded message on the chip burns out, thus Barry and Iris lose all their last memory of Nora. Flash forward four months later, Barry Allen is suited up as the Flash as he is fighting Godspeed in Central City. Barry catches Godspeed, however, when he unmasks him, it is a regular man who can only scream. Barry com's in Cisco, as they say, that they have not caught “August Heart” yet. At a team Flash dinner, we catch up with the members of the team, as we learn that Cisco has been developing a cham...