Hey everyone, it has been a while since the last time we covered the Flash here, but the poster has officially revealed the season five suit of the Flash. The suit was leaked a couple days ago, however, only showed the upper half of the suit, this is a mostly full body image of Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) in action. So let's go through the previous suits of the flash on the show, and how this suit looks. In season one, we saw the classic flash suit, however, the colors were toned down to look a little more of a maroon color, all the while the symbol was red and gold. The season one suit is going to be in the first episode of season five, as Barry needs a new suit and Nora has the season one suit in the Flash ring. Season two and three had the suit remain the same with some minor adjustments, and the logo is white and gold. Season four bought the future Flash suit to the present, which had brighter colors in its design, as well as different textures, and more gold highlights...